Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Easy to Grow Your Own Garlic !

This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning after last night’s rain. While sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee, I noticed the garlic that was recently planted in the pot nearby has just completely taken off. Growing herbs in pots is such a great way to enjoy a little gardening even if your space is limited. I find that if I put the herbs in the garden, in the middle of cooking a meal I don’t tend to take a walk to get what I need. I know…I know…if I just planned better I could get what I need before cooking…. but I just find having the pots right on the deck by the kitchen is so convenient and the plants really are beautiful.  With a quick push on the front door and a few short steps…I have the fresh herb department that no grocery store can provide.  Besides that…it’s a blast to grow them!

So, back to the garlic in the pots….it’s really easy to grow. Sure, you can pick up some garlic in your favorite gardening center and it will run a few bucks for a couple of bulbs of garlic. This year, I opted to buy some from the grocery store that looked like they were going to sprout. All you do it split them up into individual cloves, push them into the soil an inch or so (root side down), cover with soil and water. You’ll be surprised to see how fast they sprout. The garlic bulb takes a couple months to fully grow to maturity and each one of the cloves will have formed a full garlic bulb. In the fall, when the green tops start to dry up and fall over, they will be ready to harvest. 

The next time you’re cooking baked potatoes and looking for a tasty topping, snip off some of the green tops from the garlic and sprinkle them on top with some butter and sour cream. Or, finish off your favorite soup, roasted chicken or fish with a little fresh garnish to brighten up the dish.

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